So Many Stories, So Little Time

As mentioned in my previous blog, I had committed myself to listening to five sessions of short stories downloaded from and/or from Public Radio’s (PRI) broadcasts of “Selected Shorts.”  Using a recently won iPod Shuffle I downloaded short stories and radio shows to my new device.  While listening to a week’s collection of short stories, I realized how perfect the short story genre is for today’s bustling life style. In addition, there are many short stories available for people of every interest.

I quickly learned that all of the Selected Short radio shows were excellent.  However, I also discovered that each required a solid hour of uninterrupted listening on the ipod shuffle. This was not always convenient, because I was using the stories as entertainment during brief morning walks and evening treadmill excursions after a yoga class.

The stories I downloaded from were equally excellent ! Venita Blackburn’s stories were especially delightful… I appreciated her inventive character descriptions . . . so much so that I’m eager to hear more from this writer.  I found the humor in House Rules By Libby Fischer Hellmann equally engaging. Humor and crime work well for an energetic workout!

Listening to the stories from worked as a quick exercise support and escape because they were no longer than 40 minutes.  I found that anything more, such as an hour radio show, became a task especially since I was adding this activity to my already busy life. The absolute best feature on is the fact that one can find stories listed by listening time! Got 20 minutes? Download a story and take a walk around the block!

So if you are a fitness fan with a portable digital media player and want a break from your audio books or even music, a hearty short story downloaded from can be a great solution for a quick exercise excursion!

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